Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The ever elusive Presidio Heights, SF.

Google Street View Van?

Street Goes Through Building?

Elephant Head?

They've already started to censor police acitivites - go back a step or two, you can still see the cops

She Looks Good in Blue

Not a Nice Place to Sleep :(

It's a Huge Robot!

Canadian Geese doing what they do best

You are sooooo busted!

Nice Place for a White Wedding

Here Kitty Kitty

Nice Graffiti?

Graffiti Gang Maybe? They Look Guilty

Scooby Doo's Van!

Steve Jobs Car with no Plates

Stop Those Babies!

Poor Guys...

New Double Quad Cad Truck


Good Year Wisdom

Ghostly Giants

Got me Stumped

Bend Over

How does this Toilet work

Infamous Frank Chu

Got a Poop Scooper I hop

Check out the size of that Speedometer

Civic Workers in Good Form


UFO Attack Car!

Bald Spot Sun Burn

Camera Testing 123

Good Year Wisdom

Tai Chi in the Park Anyone? target="_blank">

Is this Guy Catching Flies?>

Drug Deal?

Guy Relieving Himself?

Is that Chocolate Ice Cream?

Nice Door

The Soup Nazi

She's Looking Right in the Camera

What's in your nose?

Ghost Rider

Borat Peaking out the Window

Break and Enter in Progress

The Great Pumpkin

The Black Hole

World Trade Center

What's showing at the Theatre?

Versace's Pad in Miami

Archery Practice

Taking out the Trash

Caught shopping at a "special" book store

Jesus Loves You!

Dogs Fighting

Caught by a Camera

Getting Sunburnt?

Google Camera Driver Speeding

The Infamous Google Camera Van

Fixing a Flat

Museum of Modern Art

Pedal Car in Central Park

Seinfeld's Diner

Late Show with David Letterman

Middle of Times Square

Check out the Waves!

Yummy Pizza

Grumpy Tool Booth Operator

Great Big Bug

Cat Napping

Minivans are Shrinking!

Israel Terrorists Protest

Cheap Gas?

Missing Part of my Head Today

Stanford Girl :)

Man Getting Attacked by Killer Poodle

J Walker caught in the act

McDonalds Break for the Camera Man

Laser in Action

Nice Ferrari

Alien Eyes - Freaky!

This is a Wild Ride

Transparent Woman

Sitting in the Middle of the Road

We Caught You Speeding!

Police Investigation in Progress

The Headless Person

Drive Through Motel - Literally

Just saw an accident?

Coors Field

Hmmm...Nice Ad?

Hmmm... Nice Legs?>

Found a UFO!

Denver Art Museum over the Street

The Infamous Apple Store

Mr. T's Van!

Golden Gate Bridge Ghost Rider

Little Man Trapped in a Digger

Mutants, Clones?

Nice View

Not too Happy

What's wrong with this picture?

Camera Glitch

Another Camera Glitch - Looks like Teleportation

The Google Team Playing the Part

Yahoo on Google

Against the Law!

For the Guys

Golden Gate Bridge Speed Limit = 455 mph